Day 641


Some of us may not know it but we all belong to the Suicide Prevention community. We all make a difference in our own unique way. With every interaction, every smile, every kind word we shift the energy around us. By truly listening without judgement, creating a space for self-expression and understanding, with care and compassion we all can save lives.

Suicide is often a disease of loneliness. Modern values of individualism and capitalism perpetuate the feeling of being alone. Schools, universities and work places encourage competition as opposed to collaboration creating a higher sense of desperation and isolation. As a result each of us is more disconnected than ever before, not just with others but also with ourselves, blindly chasing time and seemingly important goals.

We look for individual wealth and glory. We look to be rich and famous. We look to leave a legacy that people will remember us by. But our true legacy lies in every life that we touch, in every interaction with another being, in each kind word, in every smile, in every authentic connection we form. Our legacy is in every person who gets hope because of us. The only true gifts we can give to someone, anyone, even a stranger are – our time and the gift of hope.





2 thoughts on “Day 641

  1. Thank you for your daily words which I have been following for some time after I read about you and the loss of your son in the Papyrus newsletter. I have often been comforted by your words but have only just worked out how to comment!
    This morning I got up and was feeling overwhelmed by tasks and feeling a failure in many respects and in despair over the state of our world but then I read your blog and realised I am part of the Suicide Prevention community, what a lovely idea. Only yesterday I was talking with a young man who suffers with depression at a place where we both volunteer and so even though my to do list is never ending you have reminded me that the important thing is to connect with others.
    Thank you, and bless you and your son
    One love,


    • Dear Kim,
      Thank you for reading the blog and for your comment. I am glad you have found comfort and strength here. We judge and underestimate ourselves more than we know. We also make this world a better place more than we know. All power to you my dear. Lots of love, S. xxx


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