Day 498


It started with a box of chocolates. In 1979, one woman identified the need for a day-care centre for the mentally ill in a small community in Birmingham. She took a box of chocolates to their hostel and soon became friends with them. She slowly gathered community resources in the form of food, clothes, space and people in order to help them regain their self esteem.

Kinmos became a place where they could find warmth, refreshment, recreation and above all friendship. A few months later the Kinmos Volunteer Group was registered as a charity and by July 1980 it’s first full time paid organiser had been appointed. A great number of people from the local community, the churches, schools, businesses, individuals and the grant making authorities contribute to enabling Kinmos to pay salaries and running costs and providing equipment, gifts, food and funding for parties and outings. Kinmos continues to provide a haven where all who visit can find relaxation, support, friendship and respect. It also offers

  • One to one support and encouragement focusing on good mental and physical health and well-being;

  • An early intervention strategy to delay the need for support from other statutory bodies by closely monitoring service users’ triggers and detecting early warning signs of deterioration in their mental health and

  • Support to carers and families.

This story fills me with hope.
I believe that each one of us can do something when we have passion and compassion.


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